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Mama Yama

Rhythmic Wellness Facilitator

As an Earth Guardian and Transformational Rhythm Facilitator, Mama Yama has been initiated into the sacred lineage of ancestral practices,  embarking on a profound journey to share the timeless traditions of Shamanic Drumming, Chanting, and Tribal Dance.

Guided by the whispers of the natural world, Mama Yama's quest to rediscover her voice took her on pilgrimages to the earth's most vibrant sanctuaries, including San Marco, Lake Atitlan, where she was handed her first Shamanic Drum. In that sacred moment, she discovered her life's purpose—to guide individuals in reconnecting with their inner voices and embracing their true selves.

Since that transformative encounter, Mama Yama has become a steward of this ancient practice, enlightening, and empowering souls around the globe. Through immersive workshops infused with nature's rhythms, she facilitates transformative experiences, leading to the birth of "Primal Prayer." This groundbreaking workshop invites participants to embark on a primal journey of self-expression, harmonizing movement and sound to awaken their innate connection to the earth.

Rooted in the wisdom of the land and the cycles of nature, Mama Yama's legacy is a testament to the power of reconnection. As a guardian of the earth and advocate for the wild within us all, her mission ignites the spark of remembrance, guiding souls to rediscover their authentic essence and dance in harmony with the natural world.


The wild call of your spirit awaits – are you ready to answer it?

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